Dog Behaviours And Common Struggles


Do you have a barker at home? Is your dog barking at visitors? When he/she is attached to a leash? Only barks at other dogs or when excited? Barking can totally be solve in a very positive and force free way! We just have to turn your pup into a confident and optimistic doggo!

Pulling on the leash

Are your walks a bit stressful at the moment? Is your dog taking YOU for a walk? Is your dog pulling way from or towards something? Pulling on the lash could be happening for a few different reasons so a behavioral consult is highly recommended. The most important thing to do right now is to stop the pulling on the leash rehearsal. Ditch your walks for a few days and work on practicing focus and disengagement


Selective hearing? Do you have a dog that only comes back when it feels like? Dogs are super smart and they are all about a good deal! I can teach you how to be more exciting than any distractions out there so your pup chooses to come back to you every time!

Separation Anxiety

Is your dog following you all around the house? Every time you move, your dog moves with you? If your dog is struggling to stay away from you, even when you’re in the house, the chances are that your dog also struggles, maybe even more, when you leave home. By working on improving independence skills, your pup will no longer be upset when you leave.


Has your dog ever displayed signs of aggression towards other dogs or people? Do you get barking and lunging every time you encounter another dog in the streets? Reactivity comes from being a little pessimistic and not so confident about life. We can grow these concepts by playing games!

Resource Guarding

Is your dog resource guarding their food, toys, a specific spot in the couch or even their favorite humans? It is all related to struggling to disengage from things / people. We can teach our dogs that there’s value in walking away from things they really want because they will be highly rewarded.